Domestic PNG prices have been revised w.e.f 3rd September 2023. Click here for the current prices.
New CNG Stations Commissioned at Amroha and Sambhal, Uttar Pradesh. Click here for more details.
CNG prices have been revised w.e.f 1st June 2023. Click here for the current prices.
A New CNG Station Commissioned at Jupidi, Krishna, Andhra Pradesh Click here for more details.

About CNG

CNG stands for compressed natural gas. It is gaseous fuel and is a mixture of hydrocarbons mainly Methane. For use in Automobiles as fuel, it is compressed to a pressure of 200-250 Kg/cm² to enhance the vehicle on-board storage capacity.CNG is a fossil fuel substitute for other auto fuels such as petrol, diesel, Auto LPG etc..

CNG is known for being one of the cleanest transport fuels available, not just with respect to vehicle emissions, but also for fuel production. CNG is a viable alternative fuel particularly useful in the transportation sector.

It is quickly becoming the preferred transportation fuel for vehicles of all sizes because of price stability, lower maintenance costs and less emissions.


  • Fuel Savings –Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) could save up to 40% over conventional fuels, and CNG vehicles are available for all types of applications, including business fleets and vehicles for personal use.
  • Environmental Benefits –CNG vehicles produce up to 90% fewer emissions than gasoline or diesel and reduce greenhouse gases 20-29% over diesel and gasoline.
  • Reduced Maintenance Costs –Since natural gas burns cleaner than gasoline or diesel, it is not uncommon for them to last longer than gasoline and diesel engines.
  • Quieter –CNG Vehicles have an 80-90% lower noise level than comparable diesel vehicles.
  • Incentives –Significant federal and/or state tax credits and other incentives are often available for converting to NGVs.

CNG Conversion

l kinds of vehicles can run on CNG by installing CNG kit. Kit is an assembly of many components required to run existing vehicle on CNG. There are few basic components which are common in all type of kits, irrespective of the vehicles; such as CNG storage cylinder, high pressure tube, pressure regulator, pressure gauge, change over switch, high pressure tube fittings, refuelling receptacle and air fuel mixer.

Major components of CNG kit for carburettor fitted petrol vehicle are illustrated below:
  1. Pressure Regulator
  2. Petrol Solenoid Valve with manual override switch. (Stops petrol flow when operating on CNG)
  3. On-Off valve and refuelling connector. (Opens or stops gas flow to the regulator and includes a refuelling device)
  4. Control Module/Change-over Switch (Electronic control component with fuel selection switch)
  5. CNG level Indicator(LED Indicator)
  6. Gas Air Mixer
  7. CNG cylinder with valve, vapour bag & bracket
  8. Petrol hose
  9. Low-pressure gas hose
  10. Ignition advance processor
  11. High pressure gas tube
  12. Wire harness
  13. NRV in petrol return line
  14. Pressure gauge


  • The CNG kit installed in the vehicle should be insured along with vehicle accessories. The motorist should notify the insurance company to provide insurance on the CNG system, for which additional premium may be charged by the insurance company. Motorists should take the insurance cover for the additional CNG kit system.
  • As per present government regulation the pollution check and a pollution certificate is mandatory even after converting the vehicle on CNG.
  • A pressurized gas cylinder is probably the strongest component on the vehicle. Vehicles that were totally destroyed in collisions show the only discernible component being the intact gas cylinder. It is unlikely that cylinders will rupture due to collision impact.
  • Regarding the danger of fire from leaking cylinders, all we have is the experience to date that indicates that such an event is unlikely to occur. The risk of fire from leaking cylinders must be low since there are well over 03 million CNG vehicle installation worldwide that have not experienced such problems.
  • It is worth pointing out that natural gas is lighter than air and in the unlikely event of a leak from piping or container the gas will dissipate upwards quite quickly. In the case of petrol and LPG the vapour given off is heavier than air and will tend to pool near the ground.

Don't s

  • Always refer to the supplier’s kit manual for the trouble-shooting guide and do not do it yourself
  • In case of vehicles undergoing repairs involving welding, or heat application to any part (within 1.5 m) of the cylinder, the cylinder should be emptied first
  • Do not install a LPG, Propane or any other cylinder in place of a CNG cylinder. It is illegal ad unsafe
  • For emergency handling of any CNG leak, users must be aware of the location and operation of cylinder valve, master shut-off valve and burst disc in the CNG system. Study the system and ask your mechanic to identify these parts for you
  • Workshop doing the kit fitment should be able to demonstrate these operations to your satisfaction. It is advisable to operate the vehicle occasionally on petrol to ensure that the petrol system remains in good working conditions


1. What is CNG ?

PCNG stands for compressed natural gas. It is gaseous fuel and is a mixture of hydrocarbons mainly Methane. For use in Automobiles as fuel, it is compressed to a pressure of 200-250 Kg/cm² to enhance the vehicle on-board storage capacity.

2. Is CNG safe ?

Yes, it is safe. The properties of CNG make it a safe fuel. It is lighter than air, so in case of a leak it just rises up and disperses into the atmosphere. Besides, a high auto-ignition temperature of 540 degrees centigrade as against petrol’s 360 degrees centigrade, makes it a safe fuel. Also, in case of a leak, if CNG’s concentration in the air is less than 5% and more than 15%, the gas will not burn even in the presence of a spark.

3. What is involved in converting a vehicle to a CNG-friendly one ?

All spark-ignited engines can be converted to CNG, but a specially designed conversion kit is required for the purpose. The kit consists of a cylinder to be fixed in the boot of the car and other equipment to allow gas flow into the engine.

4. Can a car, fitted with CNG conversion kit, run on Petrol after its CNG gets over ?

Yes, after conversion to CNG the vehicle can run on petrol whenever desired simply by flicking a switch on the dashboard.

5. What are the dimensions and weight of a CNG cylinder ?

CNG cylinders are manufactured from a special steel alloy and are seamless in construction. Their compact size allows them to easily fit even in a small car. An empty CNG cylinder with a 50 litre-water-carrying capacity weighs 48 kg, with a length of 835 mm and a diameter of 316 mm. The 50 litre capacity cylinder is the one most regularly used; cylinders with 45 litre, 55 litre, 60 litre and 65 litre capacity are used as well.

6. What is the capacity of a cylinder, and mileage from one fill? How does one get to know the quantity of CNG left in the cylinder ?

Under city road conditions and may vary from vehicle to vehicle and driving habits.

7. What is the pressure of CNG in a cylinder? Is refueling of a cylinder safe, given the pressure ?

CNG cylinders are designed and built in such a way so as to withstand high pressure. The maximum pressure in a CNG cylinder is up to 200 kg/cm2 (g) (about 2840 pounds per square inch (gauge) or psi[g]). CNG cylinders are safe as they are manufactured as per specific requirements and tested before use, in accordance with international specifications and standards and they are duly approved by Chief Controller of Explosives. Moreover, these have been provided with a 'safety burst disc' such that in case of inadvertent high-pressure/high temperature at the time of filling or at any other time, this disc is ruptured and pressure released.

8. How much will be the saving after conversion to CNG ?

The fuel bill on the basis of average running of vehicle is reduced by 40 percent approximately after conversion of CNG at the present price of CNG & Petrol.

9. Does CNG kit require servicing ?

CNG kit is safe and simple. It gives years of trouble free operation. It doesn’t require frequent servicing. Just as for all other fuels, it is advised to have routine services. An authorized person should be consulted for service. As per Gas Cylinder Rules, 1981, the cylinder should under go hydro-stretch testing every 3 years to check pressure tolerance.

10. Does CNG have any harmful effect on the engine ?

Owing to CNG's distinct features, it does not contaminate or dilute crankcase oil, giving a new lease of life to the engine. The absence of any lead content in CNG helps avoid lead fouling of plugs, thereby enhancing plug life. One of the important benefits of CNG is that upon entering the engine in the form of a gas (and not as a spray or mist like other fuels), it doesn't disturb the presence of lubricating oil in the engine, and reduces chances of wear and tear.

11. Can a diesel vehicle be converted to CNG ?

Yes, a diesel vehicle can be converted to run on CNG, but the conversion cost is higher than the conversion of petrol vehicles and under the current technology it can not run on duel fuel mode.

12. Why are exhaust fumes so small in CNG-run vehicles ?

CNG is an environment friendly fuel. The natural gas is mainly composed of methane and its exhaust emissions consist of water vapors and a small fraction of carbon monoxide. The absence of carbon and other particulates result in negligible amount of harmful elements in exhaust fumes.

13. How does large-scale CNG usage benefit the country ?

CNG emits less carbon dioxide and other pollutants as compared to liquid fuels. Thus, CNG contributes in lowering air pollution, also helps in improving the Balance of Payments by acting as a substitute for imported liquid fuels, provides more business and job opportunities with the opening up of a new sector, and being competitively priced, it appeases motorists.

14. In which countries are natural gas vehicles popular ?

Natural gas as a vehicle fuel has a long and established record in Europe, Canada, India, New Zealand, Australia and in USA. Other countries such as Japan, Mexico, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bangladesh are recognizing the benefits of CNG and plan to expand its use.

MeghaGas CNG Station Locations

India is one of the world’s largest economies, and its energy requirements immensely determine its development. The natural gas market outlook is changing with time, and the Government of India wants to make it a gas-based economy.

80% less carbon monoxide emissions and 44% per cent fewer hydrocarbons are released into the air when CNG is burnt in comparison to petrol-powered vehicles.CNG gives better mileage in comparison to petrol and diesel. 1-kg of CNG generally takes you more than one liter of petrol.

CNG Price

CNG Kit Suppliers

Please click here to see the CNG Kit Suppliers

CNG retrofitment centre:

RTO Approved CNG Kit Retrofit Centers to be displayed GA wise

Please click here to see the CNG retro fitment centre

PESO authorized hydro testing centers

Please click here to see the PESO authorized hydro testing centers

CNG Vehicle Care

Following precaution are to be followed during servicing and repairing of CNG vehicles :

  • In case of leakage in fuel system, vehicles shall not be parked within 6 m of any source of ignition or fire.
  • In case of vehicles undergoing repairs involving welding, or heat application to any part (within 1.5 m) of the cylinder, the cylinder should be emptied first.
Last Updated Date : 08-07-2024